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Fake Errors:
Error: Strike Any Match To Burn Computer.
The Following are Real Errors From Real Programs and Operating Systems
(Source: CNN)
Printer on fire.
The procedure failed with the following error:
The command completed successfully.
Not enough memory to display this dialog.
Error: Keyboard not found. Press F1 to continue.
Your mouse is not working, please click here
to acknowledge.
Cannot delete tmp150_3.tmp: There is not enough
free disk space. Delete one or more files to free disk space, and then try again.
Windows has found an unknown device and is
installing a driver for it.
Error 0000: No errors found, restarting computer.
You need to supply a fax number in order for your request not to receive fax notifications to be processed.
Ever wonder what happens when you put a can of pop in the freezer? See above image.