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Expressway System and Road Network

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About Interway Authority Roadway

The Interway Expressway System is a simulation of the U.S. Interstate expressway system. It includes overpasses and on-ramps at appropriate locations, with appropriate signage. The expressway style is primarily of a rural or suburban style. The Interway Expressway System spans AWTeen and provides a backbone for my non-expressway roads, and also for roads that have been built by other people. Major builds in AWTeen are also directly connected to the Expressway System via an access road. Each Interway has at least one landmark bridge. These bridges are large river bridges and (attempt to) model real world bridges. The Interway System is built and maintained by pcnate. (Citizen # 350917) (AKA Interway Authority.) If you are going to explore my roads, the expressways are the place to start. Using the expressways, you can access every road I have built. Finally, the Interway Authority never uses the "create flare" command, due to the lag it causes. :) Most Interway Expressway Roadway is textured grstreet1.rwx. However, you may find short sections of roadway that are a much cooler custom-roadway -- When I redo a section of old road, I redo it with the nicer custom-roadway that you see. Most Non-Expressway Interway Roads are either un-textured grstreet1, or the custom-built roadway.

AWTeen Roadmap:

This map shows the major roads and highways in AWTeen. Click on the thumbnail to enlarge the map. Roads built by any citizen are shown. Tourist built roads are not usually shown. This map is a work in progress, new roads are mapped monthly. The Road Map is updated whenever the AWTeen Map is updated, which is usually at the end of each month. A High-Quality Bitmap of the roadmap is available, in the form of a downloadable zip file, at a zipped size of 1.19mb. Click Here To Download!

Construction Alerts:

Travelers can expect few construction-related delays for a couple months, as I will not have time to work on anything until summer.

About the Interway Authority:

The Interway Authority is an organization that is run by pcnate and is in charge of all roads and expressways built by pcnate. Basically it is just a fancy title I give myself. :) The Interway Expressway System, and the Interway Trunk Line Road System combine to form the largest and most complete road network in AWTeen. I am an active road builder in AWTeen and if you have any questions, problems, or requests, just telegram me.

Interway Authority Services:

If you are building a city, landmark or any other build near my expressway and want an overpass and exits for your build let me know and I will build one for you. If you are building a road and you run into my expressway I will build an overpass and interchange / onramps for you. Just telegram me. I would love to construct a mid-city expressway for your existing or planned city. The road system could be under my name or I could construct it under your PPW if you want. Expressway style options include trench, elevated, or ground.

Am I Encroaching?

Tourists and Citizens: If you feel I have built a road or expressway too close to your pre-existing build please contact me and I should be able to somehow get my roads out of your way.

Notice To Travelers:

The Interway System is just like a real-world road network: Some roads are better than others. Some roads will very detailed and realistic, and others will be much less so. Advancements in my knowlege and time restraints are why this occurs :)

Known Bugs:

When you right click on an expressway road, it is supposed to have in the description the direction you are headed, like Northway 1500 South, for southbound Northway 1500. However, some areas of the expressways are incorrectly labeled.

Thank You:

Although I am the sole builder of the Interway System, there are certain people who have been a big help to me and/or have done big favors for me. Here are the credits:

JerMe for adding numerous Interway Authority landmarks to the "Places to See" page on the AWTeen Website. Also, for assuming the task of AWTeen Mapmaker. Without the map, there would be no Interway.

Link Koriri just for letting me know that there are Interway fans out there. :) Also for building many things at the Platinum City Exit, including a hotel and gas station.

Lord Perception for posting signs on Main North Road directing people to the 2 940 Road and Northway 940 and also improving the access 2 940 Road has to Main North Road.

AlexTheMartian for working with me on a Southway 940 Exit to Martian Highway, and for seamlessly integrating Moonlight Highway to Moonlight Heights. Also, for working with me on designing a more realistic road template, and for adding a Interway Info-Center ad right at AWTeen's GZ!

Livewire (GameCube) for working with me to get our highways to interchange smoothly.

king small guy for working with me on an interchange near his city.

Wizard24 for constructing a tunnel that allowed Southway 1500 to pass under his nature preserve.

Spectre for connecting overpasses over his roads.

Ptolemy for the time he put in working on the maps. Knowing where people's builds are is an invaluable tool in expressway construction.

Mario for keeping me company during the construction of Grieving Bridge, and also for checking the integrity of the Expressway System as a whole.

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